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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Muso Brings Voice Commands To The iPod

Muso Brings Voice Commands To The iPod

Muso Brings Voice Commands To The iPod

If watching the latest Iron Man movie made you feel that voice commands are cool, then this might be just the thing. The Muso is a small gadget that plugs into the iPod, and gives it (or you) voice control. Apparently it synchronizes with users' iTunes library directly on first use, and doesn't require any training. It understands requests such as 'Play me some ABBA', 'Give me Jazz', or even 'Play me something like the last song'. It's currently going for $159, and the battery lasts for 10 hours, which should be more than enough time for people to conclude that you're another weird geek.

(Via UberGizmo, the Gadgets News Blog.)

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